I got the call on Monday morning that she would, indeed, be visiting the Big D- what a surprise and a treat! And a convenient coincidence? My mom was landing in the afternoon and driving to a hotel less than ten minutes from my workplace. I couldn't have planned it any better. I suggested I pick her up from her hotel when I got off of work and we could go to dinner.
So our mother/daughter date was set. I picked her up, we made a quick mall stop (since Corpus doesn't have much to offer on that front) and then made our way to one of my mom's favorite stops, Pappadeaux. Chris, unfortunately, couldn't join us because he had class. To be honest, though, it worked out for the best because it gave my mom and I a rare opportunity to chat, laugh and connect, just the two of us.
After dinner, we headed back to my house because Mom couldn't come to Dallas without a little time with her furry grandson and "favorite" son-in law. Then we all watched the rough draft of our wedding video (yes, we still don't have the finished product). We managed to squeeze quite a bit in during those few, short hours, didn't we?
Well, we knew our time together would be brief. And so the following morning, my mom gave me a hug and kiss goodbye and she and my hubby hit the highway. Chris was so sweet; he offered to take my mom to her hotel in the morning on his way to work so she could stay the night with us and I could have more quality time.
I'm so glad my mom had a chance to drop in Dallas. A totally unexpected, but very welcome visit.
Love you, Mom!
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