Today is my late Grandma's birthday. She was 72 when she passed away in 1996, so today she would have been 86. It's so strange for me to think that it has been (almost) 14 years since the last time I saw her. It was the morning of my cousin, Allison's, birthday (February 19th) that I last hugged her, spoke to her, felt her warmth.
Enedina DeLosSantos was special; not just to me, but all who met her. She could definitely light up any room she walked into. My Grandma was always laughing, telling interesting stories, being humorous (usually without even trying) and just had a way about her that made you feel comfortable.
Anytime I was uneasy discussing a topic with anyone else, I would talk with my Grandma about it. When I needed to vent to someone about my frustrations regarding my parents, school, life, etc...I went to her. Even if she didn't see eye to eye with me, I could never be angry with her. We had something special; a bond that is indescribable.
(I don't have many photos of Grandma readily available on my computer, but I had a couple that were previously scanned):

My Grandma and I at my Confirmation Ceremony- Summer 1995
(Don't you love my Asian inspired dress and the armcuff?! I thought I was such a fashionista...)
I was 16 when Grandma passed away. I often wish she had been around a little while longer- enough to see me graduate from high school and college, to meet Chris, to see us get married- but I realize that is selfish on my part. My Grandma made it quite clear to me in the months leading to her death that she was ready to move on. Not in a morbid way, but just stating that she felt she had led a good life, she had a fun time living, and, if the time came, she was ready. It's comforting to know that she was not afraid and was, in some aspects, excited to see what was on the other side.
I am so thankful I had as many years with Grandma as I did. She taught me numerous life lessons. The message I carry with me most is to be true to myself always...and if people don't like me for who I am, tough! ;) That's just who she was; a fun, quirky spirit who was perpetually late, loved hats and other accessories, knew how to make an entrance, loved to shop and just enjoyed being herself. Grandma made a profound impact on my life and helped shape the person I am today and for that I am forever grateful.
L to R: Mom, my brother, Jason, me, my Aunt Cookie, my cousins, Alex and Allison and Grandma
(not sure the year...guessing Christmas 1991 based on my hair)
*I miss you, Grandma!*
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