Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Busy Bees
I hope all of you know that my blogging hiatus has absolutely nothing to do with you. Things have been utterly insane over the past few months and it seems like there's never really any time to just sit and breathe let alone blog. And with our "Euro Trip '10" just around the corner, I'll obviously be on a blog break for a bit longer.
I'm planning to have a few updates for you to read after this weekend (there have been some major shakeups over the last few months that we would like to share with you). So please check back on Monday to read about what's been going on with us since last we posted.
Again, please know that we truly appreciate your visits to our little site and hope you to continue to check on us in the future. Hope you're all doing swell!!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Father's Day Weekend
Notice: I had written this entry in June, but didn't post it
Chris and I were thrilled to have my wonderful parents drive up from South Texas to visit for the weekend! They arrived on Thursday evening and left Monday morning. Even though the trip amounted to a little over three full days, our time together still seemed brief.
Thursday we just spent the evening eating our Chik-Fil-A and watching TV. Friday I was lucky enough to have a half day so I took my parents to see the Dallas Farmer's Market and then headed to Maximo's, a Mexican restaurant, to try their yummy dessert and one of their signature drinks, a Maximo Heat (which is a margarita on the rocks with lots of diced jalapenos). Then it was off to run errands with mom while dad relaxed at home.
Saturday Chris played a softball game and two flag football games in the morning while the rest of us rested for a bit before starting our day. After Chris returned, we all went to see Prince of Persia and then made our way to Rockwall so Dad could finally go to a Bass Pro Shop. While there, we played a game to test our hunting skills. Mom and I weren't so great, but Chris and especially Dad were excellent marksmen.
We started our actual Father's Day morning at the mall. We took my Dad on a little shopping spree as his gift from us. Chris was also treated to a Dad's day gift from his adorable son, Shamrock- a new Craftsman edger/ trimmer (yup, we are definitely suburbians now!). Then it was off to the IMAX theater to see Toy Story 3 (if you haven't seen it, we highly recommend it). We ended the day with a family barbecue and topped it off with a homemade cake. :)
I am so glad I was able to spend this particular weekend my parents. It's been a few years since I've been able to enjoy both Mother's AND Father's Day with them. Thank you both so much for driving all the way up to visit us. We absolutely love having you both here and can't wait until your next trip!
Dad, I just wanted to remind you how much I love and appreciate you- as a father, as a friend and as a person. You have always been one of my biggest supporters and for that, I'm eternally grateful. I know I always say this, but thank you for all you have done and continue to do for me (and Chris and Shamrock). WE LOVE YOU!!! :)
Chris and I were thrilled to have my wonderful parents drive up from South Texas to visit for the weekend! They arrived on Thursday evening and left Monday morning. Even though the trip amounted to a little over three full days, our time together still seemed brief.
Thursday we just spent the evening eating our Chik-Fil-A and watching TV. Friday I was lucky enough to have a half day so I took my parents to see the Dallas Farmer's Market and then headed to Maximo's, a Mexican restaurant, to try their yummy dessert and one of their signature drinks, a Maximo Heat (which is a margarita on the rocks with lots of diced jalapenos). Then it was off to run errands with mom while dad relaxed at home.
Saturday Chris played a softball game and two flag football games in the morning while the rest of us rested for a bit before starting our day. After Chris returned, we all went to see Prince of Persia and then made our way to Rockwall so Dad could finally go to a Bass Pro Shop. While there, we played a game to test our hunting skills. Mom and I weren't so great, but Chris and especially Dad were excellent marksmen.
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Dad showing us how it's done... |
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Dad's score |
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Hunter Chris |
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Mom would have made a great actress... :) |
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With my parents |
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Daddy and son celebrating Father's Day |
Dad, I just wanted to remind you how much I love and appreciate you- as a father, as a friend and as a person. You have always been one of my biggest supporters and for that, I'm eternally grateful. I know I always say this, but thank you for all you have done and continue to do for me (and Chris and Shamrock). WE LOVE YOU!!! :)
Monday, June 28, 2010
Pregger Portraits
May 22nd:
Chris and I (AKA J&C Photography) took photos of Chris' sis, Misty, her baby bump and her husband at Central Park in Frisco, TX. If you've never been, Central Park is the perfect spot to just take a stroll, have a picnic or, in our case, a photo shoot.
I think it went well, but you can be the judge:
Chris and I (AKA J&C Photography) took photos of Chris' sis, Misty, her baby bump and her husband at Central Park in Frisco, TX. If you've never been, Central Park is the perfect spot to just take a stroll, have a picnic or, in our case, a photo shoot.
I think it went well, but you can be the judge:
Misty & JD~
Hope you guys enjoy the photos! Enjoy your last couple months of alone time before Mr. Jack makes his long-awaited debut!!! :)
Mother's Day- Part II
May 10th-
We were out of town on Mother's Day, so we didn't have a chance to celebrate with Chris' mom. To make it up to her, we all went to P.F. Chang's, Mrs. Castillo's restaurant of choice, the next day. After our delighful dinner, it was time to see Iron Man 2. I have to say, the movie was pretty entertaining; everyone definitely enjoyed it. Afterwards we took a few photos to commemorate the occassion:
We were out of town on Mother's Day, so we didn't have a chance to celebrate with Chris' mom. To make it up to her, we all went to P.F. Chang's, Mrs. Castillo's restaurant of choice, the next day. After our delighful dinner, it was time to see Iron Man 2. I have to say, the movie was pretty entertaining; everyone definitely enjoyed it. Afterwards we took a few photos to commemorate the occassion:
Misty, Chris' Mom, Christine, and Christopher- Mrs. Castillo is wearing the "Moms- They're Better Than Dads" T-shirt we got her.
Posing with the poster. Misty's "2" cracks me up every time. ;)
A special note from Chris to his mom:
First off, thanks for giving birth to most striking lad in the whole world. Yep, thats me! Its comforting knowing I have a whole slew of women behind me as my support team. And it is all thanks to my wonderful mother. With us all from the beginning and still by all our sides providing guidance, advice, and most of all, love! Here's to 32 years of motherhood and counting. Thanks for believing in me, Peter Pan! I love you!
Christopher Lance
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Mother's Day
May 9th-
Mother's Day weekend happened to fall on the same weekend as Allison's graduation (see blog post below). Since my parents were in San Antonio for the occassion as well, Chris, Shamrock and I were able to spend the holiday with them. We didn't have much time to celebrate as we all had to drive back to our respective homes, but we did have time for a Mother's Day lunch.
Mom decided to go to one of our favorite places, Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen. She enjoyed a pina colada and both she and Chris shared some oysters while waiting for our table.

Mother's Day weekend happened to fall on the same weekend as Allison's graduation (see blog post below). Since my parents were in San Antonio for the occassion as well, Chris, Shamrock and I were able to spend the holiday with them. We didn't have much time to celebrate as we all had to drive back to our respective homes, but we did have time for a Mother's Day lunch.
Mom decided to go to one of our favorite places, Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen. She enjoyed a pina colada and both she and Chris shared some oysters while waiting for our table.

We had a fantastic time over lunch. The food was excellent (as usual), conversation great and mom opened her gift-
Dad, mom and I before it was time to say goodbye. :(
Couldn't leave without proof that Shamrock got to celebrate, too!
Mom, thanks for all you've done and continue to do for me (and Chris and Shamrock, too). I know we've had our ups and downs (as all mothers and daughters have), but through everything I've always admired and appreciated you. I wish we could have spent more time with you on your special day, but I'm just glad we had a chance to be there to tell you in person how much we love you. Thank you, again, for everything! Love you!
Baby Allison No More
May 8th-
Not too be too cliche, but it seems like only yesterday that my parents informed my brother and I we would have a new cousin joining our family. Allison Rose was born and was lovingly dubbed "Baby Allison". She's been the baby of my mom's side of the family ever since.
Now our Allison is all grown up. She got her B.A. in Business from the University of Texas at San Antonio on May 8th and we were all there to see it.
My uncle, aunt, mom and dad ready to cheer for Allison when she crosses the stage
Allison's cousin, her aunt, Alex and Dustin also ready for the big moment
Waving from the crowd
Blowing us a kiss before she walks across the stage
One last wave before getting her diploma
Congratulations, Allison! Your graduation made it a perfect 4 for 4 for the gradkids on our moms' side! We're all so very happy and proud of you and your accomplishment. Now it's on to grad school- good luck!
Love you, Al!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Happy Anniversary!
Today is my parents' 31st anniversary as a married couple. They finally said "I do" after seven years of dating on June 16, 1979. I always joked about how long it took for them to become husband and wife and look what happened...Chris and I took even longer! ;)
You two were definitely meant for each other...always remember that. :)
Hope you guys have a fabulous day together!
Love you!!!
Angeleque and Hunter's Alabama Wedding
WARNING- Loooooooong post. ;)
April 31st- May 2nd
Angeleque and Hunter's much-anticipated wedding weekend finally arrived! Sadly I forgot my camera. Thankfully Hunter's mom and some of my friends took photos and shared them with me. I also used a few from the wedding photographer, Arden Photography. So here are the wedding activities shown through photos.
After the traditional wedding rehearsal on Friday afternoon, we headed to a downtown Birmingham location for dinner. The room was called the "Bottle Room" and you could definitely see why when you entered. It was like walking into a wine cellar/old library...very cool! The food was delicious, the slideshow was sweet and the speeches were heartfelt.
Saturday was the BIG DAY! It started it with a PJ & Pancake Party! Angeleque gave all of her bridal party a pair of wedding pajamas to wear to our breakfast~
April 31st- May 2nd
Angeleque and Hunter's much-anticipated wedding weekend finally arrived! Sadly I forgot my camera. Thankfully Hunter's mom and some of my friends took photos and shared them with me. I also used a few from the wedding photographer, Arden Photography. So here are the wedding activities shown through photos.
After the traditional wedding rehearsal on Friday afternoon, we headed to a downtown Birmingham location for dinner. The room was called the "Bottle Room" and you could definitely see why when you entered. It was like walking into a wine cellar/old library...very cool! The food was delicious, the slideshow was sweet and the speeches were heartfelt.
The almost Mr. & Mrs.
Giving my awkward speech...and looking scary.
The bridesmaids at the after-dinner party
Yea for PJs!
Then it was time for us and Miss Parsiyar to get ready!
Fastening all of her buttons
Then we took some pre-wedding photos:
The Maid and Matron of Honor with the beautiful Bride!!!
All the girls in front of the Carraway-Davie House, the ceremony and reception location.
After all of that, it was time for the moment we've ALL been waiting for!!!!!
The wedding was scheduled to be outside, but the weather was a little unpredictable, so it was moved indoors.
Inside the house. One Hostess, Meredith, got a great photo! Such an intimate ceremony... :)
As you can see...
I couldn't be happier for these two.
And they sealed the deal with the kiss!!!
Then it was time to eat, drink and be married! ;)
Chris and I at the reception eating the yum yum yummy cake. Doesn't he look cute in his tux? :)
The other part of our roommie crew, Suzanne and Mandy, looking fab!
I was honored to be asked to sing "At Last" at the ceremony.
And that was that. They're now Mr. & Mrs. Linville! Congratulations, guys!!!
Love you, Ang! You looked absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for letting Chris and I be a part of your special day!!! :)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Bad, Jocelyn... BAD!
Design by fotografik
That's right. I'm upset with myself. Upset with the fact that I've taken over two months to write a blog entry! I'm sure all of my loyal readers (all three of you in my office ;) ) are going through "Yorkie" withdrawls. Well, fear no more, my friends! I'm back and bloggier than ever! In the coming days, I'll be updating the blog with photos and information about the events that have taken place during the blog hiatus and then we'll be back to business as usual. Again, sorry for the blog break!!!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Julianne's First Communion
Julianne just had her First Communion last Sunday evening (May 2nd). Here's a little message for our beautiful niece-
Thursday, April 22, 2010
When Yorkies Attack
Yup, you read that correctly. Apparently our son is going through his adolescent phase and has decided to rebel against us.
Here's what happened last night:
Chris and I went upstairs for a bit and left Shamrock downstairs on the couch. While we were busy, our little man decided to urinate in our dining room (gross, I know). When we discovered his dirty deed, Chris went to get him and put his nose in it. Shamrock knew he was in trouble and could hear the anger in Chris' tone, so he started to snap at Chris! I, therefore, had to grab him, take him to the dining room and give him a spanking. I put him down and that's when Chris reminded me he needed to be placed outside for a time out. When I went to pick him up he bit me...hard enough to put little puncture holes in my skin! I was eventually able to put him outside for a couple of minutes (apparently, not long enough for him to cool down). When Shamrock came back inside, Chris went to get him, but he attacked Chris again! This time his bite was so hard that he actually broke through the skin, causing Chris to bleed!Needless to say, we were both very disappointed in our son. I still can't believe how mean Shamrock was! Looks like it's time for us to call in reinforcements...a trainer. :/
And just so you know we are telling the truth, we have provided photographic evidence. Behold, the work of our little biter:
You can see Shamrock in the background admiring his work...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Angeleque's Bachelorette Party!
So last weekend was the "fling before the ring" for one of my bestest buddies, Angeleque! All of the bridesmaids packed up, grabbed the bride-to-be and made our way to Austin, TX. Our first stop was to enjoy the view (and eat) at the famous Oasis Restaurant on Lake Travis.
Then we visited Flat Creek Estate in Marble Falls, TX for a wine tasting. Below is a photo of us in front of their vineyard.
After checking into the hotel and getting Angeleque decked out in the traditional bachelorette garb (i.e., veil, sash, ring, etc.), we left to eat dinner at Hula Hut.
Group shot in the hotel room.
Out and about
Hugging my soon-to-be-married friend!
Hope you had fun, Angeleque!!!
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