Chris and I said, "I Do!"
Our first kiss as a married couple :)
I can't believe a year has passed since Chris and I became husband and wife. It's a strange way to describe it, but when I think about our wedding, it does seem like quite a bit of time has gone by since planning for and being a part of our big day. On the other hand, it feels like Chris and I just got married a couple of months ago...
Thinking back to our wedding day, I can't tell you how relaxed and calm I was. Even when my hair appointment was pushed back an hour and I knew there was a chance we'd get to the Cathedral late, I never really freaked out. I knew that marrying Chris would be the best thing I could ever do, so all the small things that occurred just went by without really phasing me.
I still look back with a few "shoulda, coulda, woulda's" but all in all I think Chris and I (with a little help from our families) put together a great event. I admire what we achieved as a couple, as partners, to make our dream wedding come as close to reality as it did.
Now on to what I really wanted to reflect on: my marriage and my wonderful husband. I really am lucky. I don't think I could have imagined a better man to spend my life with. Chris loves me with all of his heart and does everything he can to show it. I mean, how many gals can say that about their husbands? He is the perfect person for me in every way. Of course we have our little spats from time to time, but, after several years of being together (ten in February) we've learned how to work out our issues fairly quickly (which is SOOOO nice).
I am truly grateful to have someone so amazing in my life. A hubby who really gets me, understands and appreciates my quirkiness. I really cherish our relationship and hope that it continues to get better with time.
Christopher Lance- I love you, babe!!! Happy first anniversary as husband and wife!!! :) I really am lucky...
A few photos from ONE YEAR AGO TODAY (my own little trip down memory lane)...

The Rubios and Castillos united

Our first dance...

Cutting the cake

Driving into the proverbial sunset...