This was a nice, productive weekend for us. First, we kicked off the weekend by heading over to the movies and watching "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past". After the movies, we were invited to meet up with some of our friends at Top Golf. I wasn't planning on going anywhere after, so I stuffed myself with popcorn, chocolate covered almonds, two $.99 bags of Flamin' Hot Cheetos and a large pickle at the movie theatre. Needless to say, I had a tummy ache afterwards. I told Chris he should go out and I stayed home, slept off all my stomach issues, and made a spreadsheet for all the things we'll need for the house when we move in (see, I was productive). Chris had fun with our buddies, Adam, Justin and Rozz, playing mini-golf and going to one of our fav little bars, The Loon, for some cheese fries and a couple of drinks. :)
Saturday morning, we met Suzanne at Sur la Table for a book signing for Curtis Stone's new cookbook. If you don't know who Curtis Stone is, he is the star of "Take Home Chef" on TLC. Suzanne heard about the signing and thought Chris and I would be interested in going. It was really neat! The store prepared several recipes from the cookbook for us to enjoy while we were waiting. For those of you who really know me, you know how much I love food, so having snacks made the experience even better. ;) Curtis signed our book, had a brief conversation with us and even took a photo with the three of us-

After, Chris and I did some shopping and watched "X-Men Origins: Wolverine". Then it was time for another gig (May is a packed month for gigs...we have four scheduled!).
This show was for a private Cinco de Mayo party in Wylie, TX. Unfortunately, the weather did not want to cooperate and we ended up not really doing much at the show. :(
Sunday was where the word "productive" really fits in for us. Chris and I went to the new house to sign some more papers and give Chad the coach light we purchased. We measured all the windows so I can start getting drapes for a few rooms and we met one of our new neighbors! After wrapping up everything we needed to do in the house, we went to Sears to look at their refrigerators and washers and dryer sets. We found the fridge we wanted, but decided to wait and see if the price will drop any further. We did, however, buy our washer and dryer; our first major purchase for our new home! :)